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Code of Practice



Code of Practice (Inspection of Buildings) AS 4349.1 – 2007


Consult Tec Inspections and Reports are prepared in accordance with Australian Standards – AS4349.1 – 2007 and further Associated Requirements


Standards Australia

Standards Australia develops Australian Standards and other documents of public benefit and national interest. These Standards are developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Government, Standards Australian is recognized as Australia’s peak non-government national standards body. Standards Australia also supports excellence in design and innovation through Australian Design Awards.


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Australian Standards

Committees of experts from Industry, governments, consumers and other relevant sectors prepare Australian Standards. The requirements or recommendations contained in published Standards are a consensus of the views of representative interests and also take account of comments received from other sources. They reflect the latest scientific and industry experience. Australian Standards are kept under continuous review after publication and are regularly updated to take account of changing technology.


International Involvement


Standards Australia is responsible for ensuring the Australian viewpoint is considered in the formulation of International Standards and that the latest international experience is incorporated in the national Standards. This role is vital in assisting local industry to compete in international markets. Standards Australia represents Australia at both the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO) and the International Electro technical Commission (IEC)



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